23 January 2017




  1. Gleason, you are wrong.....

    They are just WHORES period.

    Locked, Loaded, Ready to Engage

  2. I have to admit there was a time in my life that I was hammered/enamored by the likes of such hussies. "Good times, bad times. You know, I've had my share ..." yeah, yeah so what. "The memories of an old man, are the deeds of a man in his prime." Such is life. I hope that these gals will come to their senses one day soon.

  3. "The memories of an old man, are the deeds of a man in his prime."

    ~~~Exactly, Gleason. :)

  4. Yep. Classy whores for a classy political venue. And the libtards are proud to have these "ladies" as poster children for their call to revolution and social justice. You can almost see the STDs crawling over them. Just looking at them makes me want to take a shower and have the medic inject me with a couple of silver bullets.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.