04 March 2017



And then there was Fauxahontas...  She persisted in being stoopid and was censured.  Just as she was told she would be.  She wasn't heroic.  Any of us would have whooped our kids' ass for acting like she did.



  1. I figure you didn't forget about Nasty Pelosi, but I'll add don't forget about her.

    Thinking of it, there's probably 2 or 3 dozen more "females" like these hypocrites.

    Then there's several hundred more just like these, who happen to call themselves "men".

    Ahh, what the hell, just include 75% of the country.

    ;) chuckling

    Apology for the off topic, did you get my email?

  2. There are a lot of psychos out there. Can't keep up with all of them. And it never ends. Crazy.

    Just sent a response to your email. Sorry I'm so slow!


  3. There is still the chance that they will be treated with equality and sent to prison like republican men would have.

  4. Well, they have something else in common too..

    C ant

    U nderstand

    N ormal

    T hinking

    Locked, Loaded, ready to Engage

  5. Hey... why ae the black wimmens underneath the white wimmens? That's Ray's cyst


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.