18 March 2018


Seems to be a true story.  :)


  1. Hideeho Blue. Glad to see you stopped by. :-)

  2. "When a politician is lying, he is speaking."

    Don't know who coined the phrase, but it's accurate. :)

  3. Or you had a liberal revisionist professor.

  4. Irish: ;)

    Grog, Daddy Hawk: Yup. :)

    I did have one very Liberal history professor. She and I got along, though. I had already spent 7 1/2 years on active duty in the Army before I went back to school and my worldview was probably a little different than the average HS grad. She was actually pretty cool. Married to a state senator. I had a couple of really Conservative history professors, too. Of course, all of this was a long time ago...


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.