04 May 2018

May 4th...


Wounded Knee

Ruby Ridge



  1. 48 years already! I was home on leave just before going to Viet Nam. The National Guard panicked and fired on them. Three weeks later I was being fired on.

  2. Rule 1. Do not throw shit at armed men.
    Rule 2. Do not stand behind someone violating Rule 1.

    l. Niven.

  3. Harp... Time flies. I was in High School, barely 2 years away from entering active duty.

    McThag... Yeah, there is always that. ;) Always good to hear from you!

  4. Malheur and Bundy Ranch, also, though these two pale in comparison for lives, but not for egregious over reach.

    Mis-spelled my name on the previous thread comment, wasn't awake yet. ;)

  5. See the girl in the center, she among others wasn't a student but took part in the rioting that burned down the ROTC building. Yeah students in those days were as violent and stupid as the commies are today.

    As for all but one of the students shot, sob. One was a true victim but I blame the commies who today run universities.

  6. Hey I see you included Wounded Knee. That's where that fake Indian shot the FBI. Then the FBI drilled the wanna be. Sob.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.