04 September 2022

Went too far...

In old news...

Another angle...

Even CNN said that 'ol Joe took it too far with this imagery.  

It wasn't done by mistake.  It wasn't an accident.

Herr Schicklgruber and the Not-sees would have been proud.

Here we are...

I had notification from Blogger that a post I published has been removed for violating "Community Standards".  They sent me a link to those community standards, but I have no idea whatsoever which post was removed.


I have a lot to say, a lot of thoughts.  Like I told my brother, I go from being terrified to publish to feeling defiant, in the blink of an eye.  This is no way to live.

These truly are troubling times.  We have seen these things before in history, and a lot of folks here in the blogosphere have been predicting something like this for many years.

Our friends on the Left are getting very good at propaganda and are apparently getting quite good at the visual production that enhances it.  I think 'ol Joe's speech was unprecedented, both in his words and in the visual production.  

You have to ask, "who is really behind 'ol Joe?", because if this were all 'ol Joe, his Leftist colleagues would be trying to stop his inflammatory rhetoric before he got them into trouble.  They aren't.  That means that it is accepted and approved.  Some say that obama has his hand up Joe's ass making his mouth move.  Ok.  Who controls obama?

A lot going on...

I saw this on the Facebook this morning.  Kinda humorous ;)

Stay safe.



  1. And dried beans IMO. In five gallon buckets.

  2. Yup. And rice. ;)

    I grew up on navy beans and hocks... Good stuff!

  3. I'm sitting on go here... I've had enough...

  4. Susan Rice and Valerie Jarett are the obozo shadows, they have been deecee influence brokers before he was known, and they have their shadows. 2,000 circles within circles, all to improve their ability to manipulate on the individual level, and to tear down the foundation of society on the macro level.

    G_D help us to persevere against the evil, because my will is not what needs to be done.

  5. Peteforester... be careful ;)

    Grog... I agree. I think we had plenty of warning.

  6. Anyone know why the one Marine’s hands are lit up?

    Biden sure looked like he was channelling Hitler in front of the Gates of Hell in that speech.

  7. Crotalus... No idea on the lighting of the Marine's hands. Weird.

    'ol Joe had a stage that looked like something straight out of Nazi Germany. At the very least he appears to be promoting Nationalism, which I thought was a no-no to Leftists...

  8. Who is behind ol Joe? The yellow ones...


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.