16 December 2012


Ain't that the truth?

Stay safe.


  1. Sure is!
    I'm stealing the picture to post on facebook and make some friends angry.

  2. Any bets on whether the NRA caves?

  3. I dunno, David. If I were to bet, I'd bet not. A fool's bet, perhaps.

  4. I'm a Benefactor Member of the NRA. I have the NRA eagle and crossed muskets tattooed on my arm. My son is a Life Member. I hope the NRA leadership is simply taking the time to formulate a plan. I hope the leadership doesn't cave, like it did in 1968, when RFK was shot, and climbed on board the ATF bandwagon, espousing the "sporting purposes only" doctrine. Many of the larger firearms manufacturers got spooked and did the same thing, for fear of being forced out of business altogether.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.