15 December 2012

Mental disorder...

From barack obama's Dead Fly via Cousin Michael.

"Proof liberalism is a mental disorder! Produces some of the most violent movies on the big screen, such as the Kill Bill series, and then calls for gun bans! QUENTIN TARANTINO"

I have to admit that I have enjoyed many Tarantino movies over the years.  Pulp Fiction is a favorite.  I liked the Kill Bill movies, too.  They're all big money, the Hollywood whores.  All of them.

Stay safe.


  1. An honest and consistent progressive is a non-progressive. Progressivism is nothing without self-contraditions and hypocrisy.

  2. So True Brother! If you have ever watched Reservoir dogs then you know gasoline and oldies should be banned as well! Oh that wicked premiunm!


  3. Osmium... So very true.

    China... Yep, I've seen Reservoir Dogs.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.