23 August 2014

We're not looters...



  1. To paraphrase the mythbusters guy, "I reject the premise and apply reality"

    Sharpton wouldn't know how to liberate anything or build a bird house, let alone be a productive individual. He's a racist grifter, and he always will be.

  2. Has the man ever done anything productive in his life?

  3. http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/082214-714559-dorian-johnson-the-boy-who-cried-wolf.htm?ref=mp

  4. http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/082214-714519-radical-doj-unit-investigates-ferguson-shooting.htm?p=full

  5. There's a lot of money in race baiting or at least whipping up a crowd. It seems like after this clown and scam artists like J Jackson hit the scene, residents tend to burn down their own houses. businesses, stores, etc. Now, who in their riight mind would do that? It's like saying, "I'll show you - I'll cout my d---!" OK. Curious behavior, but OK (?). This is the guy who yells "Fire" in a crowded theater and enjoys the mayhem that follows. He's no better than a pyromaniac!


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.