07 December 2014

They didn't. They did. ...



  1. Ain't it a bitch when them chickens come home to roost!

    Of course the Australian Abos donated the perfect word for this situation: boomerang.

    Gotta love it when a politician shoots herself in the butt this way . . . now if we could only get Peloosey to pick up a nice Glock or S & W.

  2. I love it when an arrogant politico makes a "double dog dare" and gets burned. Justice. Careful what you wish for.

  3. She is a psycho on the level of Wasserman-Schultz... Probably not as well practiced as others like Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer, but psycho just the same...

  4. Sounds like a self-fullfilling prophecy, if there ever was one.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.