"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." ~~Thomas Jefferson

"Who will protect us from those who protect us?"

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson

"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." ~~Goethe

11 September 2018

11 September...

What do I think?

The attack on the WTC.


And the people who claim that it wasn't Islam...

Yet, the terrorists who attacked the WTC in 2001 and the terrorists who attacked Benghazi 11 years later were Muslims who were at least partially sponsored by Islamic governments.  Governments represent people, whether they are free people  or subjects.  By extension I guess that means Islam attacked the WTC and the US Embassy in Benghazi.  Point being: the attackers were not just a loose knit group of individuals set on causing mayhem.  They had help.

And courts in the United States have come to that same conclusion and have found in favor of the WTC victims against state sponsored terrorism.  Particularly against Iran.  And the courts know that Saudi Arabia was involved in protecting or supplying the 9-11 terrorists, many of whom were Saudi citizens.  It's a bit more difficult to go after the Saudis.  Why?  Well, they are our allies.  Kinda.  But, wait...  Wasn't Osama a Saudi?  Well, yes, but he was simply an individual.  Who was our ally. Until he wasn't...

After 17 years I believe America has lost her desire to see justice served.  Other things occupy our time now...

You get what I'm saying.  Or not.   It's overly simplistic, I know.  Perhaps I'm not thinking clearly?


Blue said...

True story...

Unknown said...

There is currently a lawsuit going after the saudis and it has made it over the legal defense roadblocks so far...so we'll see.

capt fast said...

in my sixty eight years of life, some of which had been in government service; I can conclude that Justice and Application of the Law is often two different things. the law is an arbitrary thing the group needs with which to live with each other. justice, however, is something the individual seeks when the group won't apply the law equally.
I once was a "liberal" in the sense of JFK was a liberal. then I grew up and became a conservative. After years inside the system, I became a cynical libertarian. seeing the owners of the system rip the basic goodness of people to shreds has bent my attitudes about "public service" into strange shapes. Not necessarily "just kill them all and let God sort them out" attitude but closer to "M-67; when fuck you just isn't good enough anymore" sort of attitude. these changes took a lot of time and did not happen because of any one or two incidents of history. all those little things in life add up and make you change. so. now it is "live and let live". as the boss said, be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet because justice may call for it.
I believe the movers and shakers behind 9-11 and Benghazi would be best served by leaving them in their place and stirring their pot vigorously with a spoon made of their citizenry's discontent. So the question of what would be justice in these cases of 9-11 and Benghazi perps and leaders and money men needs to be defined.
just my opinion...