A traitor in the capital of our enemies, embracing Marxism. Are you surprised? We need to stop rewarding the bad behavior of our POTUS. He's giving away the farm and not getting anything in return but a box of Cuban cigars. Putin must be LHAO!
Supposedly this photo was taken while the Star Spangled Banner Played in tribute to a visiting Head of State. I say we recall all of our National assets(Aircraft, limos, and personnel) and DITCH THIS TOAD and his entourage in that island paridise. We should freeze all of thier bank accounts and take back all the $$$$$$$$$s that they have spent embarassing this Nation, and We the People. Then we start proceedings to revoke thier citizenship, and make certain they cannot EVER return to our shores. Damn, that is what would happen to any one of us if we tried even 1/100th of this sh!t. Just Saying!! Friggin Treasonous Commie Bat-Rastards. See how long the Cuban's put up with thier sorry A$$es. Jumping Jose, can you imagine the uproar in this country if something like that happened (PS, I am not advocating any physical harm to El pResidente). The welfare croud some 47% would go completely Congo and burn thier nieghborhoods down and whine that thier messiah has been deported. We could line them up in florida along the highway to the keys and start ferry service to thier percieved paridise to join thier annointed one once and for all. I would cost us a bunch of money but it would solve alot of problems and end up saving $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$. CHA-CHING!!!
Zoomie! How the hell are you? Staying out of trouble? ;)
I suspect that obama and his entourage are looking at ways to open up some form of immigration plan (legal, or not...) so that Cubans will be able to move from the island and leave their mid-20th century culture behind. (Not that it's a bad thing. I'm mid 20th-century myself.)
That photo says a mouthful.
A traitor in the capital of our enemies, embracing Marxism. Are you surprised? We need to stop rewarding the bad behavior of our POTUS. He's giving away the farm and not getting anything in return but a box of Cuban cigars. Putin must be LHAO!
Supposedly this photo was taken while the Star Spangled Banner Played in tribute to a visiting Head of State. I say we recall all of our National assets(Aircraft, limos, and personnel) and DITCH THIS TOAD and his entourage in that island paridise. We should freeze all of thier bank accounts and take back all the $$$$$$$$$s that they have spent embarassing this Nation, and We the People. Then we start proceedings to revoke thier citizenship, and make certain they cannot EVER return to our shores. Damn, that is what would happen to any one of us if we tried even 1/100th of this sh!t. Just Saying!! Friggin Treasonous Commie Bat-Rastards. See how long the Cuban's put up with thier sorry A$$es. Jumping Jose, can you imagine the uproar in this country if something like that happened (PS, I am not advocating any physical harm to El pResidente). The welfare croud some 47% would go completely Congo and burn thier nieghborhoods down and whine that thier messiah has been deported. We could line them up in florida along the highway to the keys and start ferry service to thier percieved paridise to join thier annointed one once and for all. I would cost us a bunch of money but it would solve alot of problems and end up saving $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$. CHA-CHING!!!
Zoomie! How the hell are you? Staying out of trouble? ;)
I suspect that obama and his entourage are looking at ways to open up some form of immigration plan (legal, or not...) so that Cubans will be able to move from the island and leave their mid-20th century culture behind. (Not that it's a bad thing. I'm mid 20th-century myself.)
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