Good point. And all the threats to withhold Federal monies if the states fail to comply with federal "wishes" such as seat belt and helmet laws...
Yet the fed allows the states to regulate the Second pretty much any way that a state sees fit, even though the Second is part of the BOR to the US Constitution and takes precedence over all state regulation. "Shall not be infringed". Seems simple enough. Like the states lack any Constitutional authority to regulate it in any way whatever...
In Hillary!'s defense, the 10th Amendment has been dead for a long time.
If not dead, very nearly so... It's all about the money, ya know.
How much is a state willing to give up in order to keep the money flowing in from The State?
The biggest wealth redistribution scheme ever...
The interstate commerce clause superceded it.
The 55 MPH speed limit was when I noticed it was dead.
Good point. And all the threats to withhold Federal monies if the states fail to comply with federal "wishes" such as seat belt and helmet laws...
Yet the fed allows the states to regulate the Second pretty much any way that a state sees fit, even though the Second is part of the BOR to the US Constitution and takes precedence over all state regulation. "Shall not be infringed". Seems simple enough. Like the states lack any Constitutional authority to regulate it in any way whatever...
Ahhhh well. ;)
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