From David P. in W.V. ...
It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time.
Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to
years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare
notice it.
The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are
women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are
women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me)
the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.
I have just read
Back to Normal: Why Ordinary Childhood Behavior Is Mistaken for
ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, by a
psychologist, Enrico Gnaulati, who works with children alleged to have
psychological problems in school, usually meaning boys. I decline to recommend
it because of its psychobabble, its tendency to discover the obvious at great
length, and its Genderallly Correct pronouns, which will grate on the literate.
(I mean constructions resembling “If a student comes in, tell him or her that he
or she should put his or her books in his or her locker”)
However, a serious interest in the subject justifies slogging through the
prose. (The statistics above are from the book.)
The relevent content is that women are making school hell for boys, that
they have turned normal boyish behavior, such as enjoyment of rough-housing,
into psychiatric “personality disorders.” They are doping boys up, forcing them
into behavior utterly alien to them, and sending them to psychiatrists if they
don´t conform to standards of behavior suited to girls. The result is that boy
children hate school and do poorly (despite, as Gnaulati, says, having higher
IQs). This is no secret for anyone paying attention, but Gnaulati makes it
As a galling example he cites one Robert, an adolescent responding badly to
classes and therefore suspected by his teacher of having a “personality
disorder.” From the book:
Read the rest here.