There have been a lot of images published from the events occurring in Ferguson, Missouri in the aftermath of the Michael Brown killing.
The pictures above are the ones I find most disgusting. A cop with his finger ready to be put on the trigger. I have to believe that there is a round in the chamber and ammo in the magazine... Anything less would be unprofessional. He is a split second from sending a round down range into his target.
What do you suppose he is looking at through his glass? What do you suppose his target is?
His target is, whether you like it or not, most likely an American citizen exercizing his or her First Amendment right to protest.
I'll bet he's a guy who likes pretending to be a soldier. It is safer to pretend to be a soldier in this manner because, unlike a real soldier, almost all of the enemy that this guy will face are unarmed. Including the person in his glass. Plus, as an added benefit, he gets to go home and sleep in his own bed at night.
Welcome to the new Amerika.
wow. Bipod AND tripod. Totally tactical.
Weird, eh? ;)
Lucky he didn't accidentally splatter someone all over the crowd.
Someone that cared or who had half a brain, would remember the good ole days when *BINOCULARS* were used...
a great example of the continued desensitization toward the 'common citizen'...
It wouldn't surprise me if that picture was on the front cover of one of the "tacticool" cop magazines in the next edition. :/
A private citizen doing this would have a list of felony charges slapped on him. These cops will be earning Time-And-A-Half, plus Atta-Boys.
The basic problem is police call Citizens "civilians". The police are civilians as well - civilians policing civilians. They were never intended to be militarized. In other banana republics, the police are called the National Guard. Then the lines are REALLY blurred. Only the military should be using the term civilians for the Citizens they protect on a global level. It doesn't help when the Lame Street media promotes misconceptions and the wrong usage of terminology.
Yeah, military wannabe. No soldier would expose himself like that. He is a sitting duck up there. Just sayin....
MADDOG... The "civilian" issue with Amerikan law enforcement is one I wanted to address soon. You are right, they wannabe something other than "civilians". They are not. If you want to be something other than a civilian, join the military.
Anon 16:07... They are arrogant. :)
I would like to see an explanation about what he is doing up there. I suspect he was there for a few hours and then put his rifle away and then did some protecting and serving in a different way.
I agree that if he was aiming at someone, he was guilty of a crime. There is no law that permits police in Missouri to act this way that does not include the words "self defense" somewhere.
But with all the pictures I have seen taken of this one guy, and no others, I suspect he was the only one and it was a limited photo op, not a regular practice.
Newrebeluniv... Yeah, it looks like a photo op...
Was he aiming at an unarmed teen who was ready to smash the head of the author? Hope he misses.
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