When did McDonalds become a career path to being a CEO - in McDonalds? I understand trying to match a minimum wage with the pace of inflation, etc. However, these jobs were teach young workers basic skills of the work force AS THEY MOVED ALONG and got more EXPERIENCE. Arrivie on time, in a clean presentatble manner, and speak to customers / the public in a manner that would promote repeat business. Now, the gov't and liberals want to make fast food a socialist institution. Where does it end and common sense take over? What ever happened to an honest day's work for an honest day's pay? We have definitely lost our way.
Martin Luther King Junior's dream of "equal opportunity" for all didn't pan out, so the Liberals are trying to create equal outcomes, no matter what your station in life...
If we are honest with ourselves we will admit that we knew it would come to this. One big step toward Socialism. Equal outcomes are now the promise of the day. $15 an hour will only cause businesses to fail and employees to be eliminated...
Blue - many years ago people were worried about what would they do when robots took over - how they would put people out of work (and....how would I support myself?). Now, they could care less because "the man" will take care of us. Let the robots do it - at least you'd get an honest day's work out of them and they would serve you a burger they dropped on the floor or spit in.
MADDOG... John Deere tractors are manufactured in the town that I live in. Prior to the last major strikes (early 1980s... out for a year) there were 10,000 blue collar employees at Deere here. Today there are about 3500 and they produce more tractors than ever before. Automation, Bay-Bay. Cheaper and more reliable than humans :)
It took me at least a half a minute to decipher what that was supposed to be. Holy crap - frise???
Maybe the sign writer is dyslexic and was thinking of his dog? ;)
My first job, besides babysitting, was as a waitress in my uncle's cafe. It was 1971, and I was a junior in high school, I made $1.60 an hour.
I guarantee, I could spell fries.
Folks... Scary, isn't it?
These are the people who will someday lead our nation.
"Hooked on Phonics"?
"Hooked on Fanix"?
When did McDonalds become a career path to being a CEO - in McDonalds? I understand trying to match a minimum wage with the pace of inflation, etc. However, these jobs were teach young workers basic skills of the work force AS THEY MOVED ALONG and got more EXPERIENCE. Arrivie on time, in a clean presentatble manner, and speak to customers / the public in a manner that would promote repeat business. Now, the gov't and liberals want to make fast food a socialist institution. Where does it end and common sense take over? What ever happened to an honest day's work for an honest day's pay? We have definitely lost our way.
Martin Luther King Junior's dream of "equal opportunity" for all didn't pan out, so the Liberals are trying to create equal outcomes, no matter what your station in life...
If we are honest with ourselves we will admit that we knew it would come to this. One big step toward Socialism. Equal outcomes are now the promise of the day. $15 an hour will only cause businesses to fail and employees to be eliminated...
Blue - many years ago people were worried about what would they do when robots took over - how they would put people out of work (and....how would I support myself?). Now, they could care less because "the man" will take care of us. Let the robots do it - at least you'd get an honest day's work out of them and they would serve you a burger they dropped on the floor or spit in.
MADDOG... John Deere tractors are manufactured in the town that I live in. Prior to the last major strikes (early 1980s... out for a year) there were 10,000 blue collar employees at Deere here. Today there are about 3500 and they produce more tractors than ever before. Automation, Bay-Bay. Cheaper and more reliable than humans :)
The guy the wrote this sign, or the guy who wrote this sign?
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