The sporadic musings of a middle aged man who isn't exactly happy with the direction America is taking today....
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." ~~Thomas Jefferson
"Who will protect us from those who protect us?"
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." ~~Goethe
09 August 2016
How many people could have been fed...
From my friend Harry.
~~Author unknown, but pretty bright, still. ;)
Imagine how many mouths are fed via the wealth stolen from the aforementioned workers and redistributed to those "in need" by your benevolent governments.
Reaally BIG Numbers on both sides of the equation. Some will read it and understand. Others will start to read it, blow it off, and never finish it. Still others will read, understand the truths, realize it's power as a educational tool, and pass this epiphany along. BRILLIANT!! Thanks, Blue!
At least 51% of the population of the United States would never understand...
The "educational establishment" in this country is very powerful. If they want their students to remain ignorant, it shall be so. That establishment is an almost exclusively Liberal domain, teaching Liberal thoughts and Liberal practices. All the while they will complain that they lack the facilities and resources to "properly" educate our children. How did we educate our children before we had all the resources the new educational establishment demands?
Well stated sir. It has been demonstrated time and time again that people who are given a place to live and food to eat without them having to lift a finger have no concept of self worth. They are the first to riot, claiming the giver just didn't give enough.
"...the giver just didn't give enough." Yup. That is the way it works in America today. We allow the non-producers to believe that they are entitled to an equal share of what the producers create...
Reaally BIG Numbers on both sides of the equation. Some will read it and understand. Others will start to read it, blow it off, and never finish it. Still others will read, understand the truths, realize it's power as a educational tool, and pass this epiphany along. BRILLIANT!! Thanks, Blue!
At least 51% of the population of the United States would never understand...
The "educational establishment" in this country is very powerful. If they want their students to remain ignorant, it shall be so. That establishment is an almost exclusively Liberal domain, teaching Liberal thoughts and Liberal practices. All the while they will complain that they lack the facilities and resources to "properly" educate our children. How did we educate our children before we had all the resources the new educational establishment demands?
That makes me incredibly sad.
Well stated sir. It has been demonstrated time and time again that people who are given a place to live and food to eat without them having to lift a finger have no concept of self worth. They are the first to riot, claiming the giver just didn't give enough.
"...the giver just didn't give enough." Yup. That is the way it works in America today. We allow the non-producers to believe that they are entitled to an equal share of what the producers create...
Makers and Takers.
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