I've been saying it for years...
No one in this country is taught that it was negroes in Africa who went out and captured their brothers and sisters and sold them into slavery to other negroes, who then sold them to (oft times Muslim) slave traders. They then ended up all over the world as labor. It has been going on for a very long time. Still going on today. It was a very lucrative business.
I wonder why we aren't taught all of that as children? We are left to find it on our own, if we can drum up enough interest to wonder. Or to care.
BTW... Chris Rock is a racist piece of crap.
Have a great weekend!
"The truth will set you free" my brothers! If we/they really open our eyes to see. Not likely to happen anytime soon. There is way too much bank to be made as victims of thier own ignorance. Slavery of all kinds is alive and well on planet earth. It is probably the 2nd or 3rd oldest profession. Someone figured out how to make the oldest profession more profitable a long time ago. It still works today. Spread a few lies, like peanut butter on hot toast, to bait the trap. Chris Rock, like most dumbass celebrities, spreads the peanut butter for his masters. He doesn't really know what he is doing. It sounds good or it is funny (Cher the other day slathering peanut butter for Hillary. Check out Cher's face, see her eyes, and expressions. Compare Hillary's eyes/expressions. Same lustful, hungry look. Pure EVIL in both women.) The other slaves lick it up as manna from the heavens.
I'm pretty surprised Chris Rock said that after putting out this.
I hope that works.
Gleason Long... Way too much peanut better being spread out there ;)
Veeshir... Chris Rock was funny, once upon a time. That video is from 1998. It's a good one. He has changed, I think. ;)
His racism isn't all that new...
You nailed that, McThag. 4 years ago. I think he became a true douche when obama became President.
Rock is an a-hole.
Why is it that no one sees the pattern? Rich liberals who don't contribute to anything / self-sacrifice but their own well being / wealth are telling the Sheeple what is right and wrong. They shit on the country that gave them their wealth and wish we were like Venezuela (Sean Penn) - which is starving because socialism collapsed (and the leadership hasn't missed a party or a meal). Are liberals born blind or socio-psycho-pathic with silver tongues? Silver tongues that convince hard working Sheeple that they should be guilty of success? From Big Mike (1st Bitch) to any other femi-Nazi / fat Mike (Moore) - they berate the hard workers and live off their sweat and blood. The Hildabeast screams about white privilege, yet her daughter gets a $900K job with NBC straight of college? WTF? Only conservatives and Christians see this and when they call it out they are labeled racists. BLM is nothing more than Obama's SA troops who sweep the streets clean of all opposition. What have we become?!
Hi Blue,
Only thing I can say,"10-4!!!"
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