The following article is from an email I received from David P. this morning. It is a page from a Liberal donation seeking website known as Nation of Change.
It appears that these folks are thesame offspring of the folks who spent their time protesting the draft war in the late 60s and early 70s. The author of this request for donations is Rebecca Buell, the executive director at Nation of Change.
It appears that these folks are the
This article is apparently directed at the "protestors" at Wall Street in NYC. I'm pretty sure that she believes the crap that she's spewing to these kids who are protesting having to pay back their student loans that they can't afford because they aren't getting the high paying jobs that they were promised by their Liberal professors at the Liberal bastions of higher education that they attended.
They apparently don't realize that the "high pay" comes after many years of experience and hard (productive) work. They don't realize how little they know. They also probably failed to realize that their professors can only teach theory because they lack what we call "real world experience". The majority of their teachers have spent their entire careers in academia drinking their coffee with fellow academians who also have no real world experience.
This should be chalked up to a "learning experience" by these freeloading little pukes. What did should they have learned? They should have learned that you can't believe everything you're told and that everything has a price. They should have learned that Liberalism is a mental disorder and that all forms of Communism, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, Che-ism, and Socialism are doomed to failure. That you can't get something for nothing. That when you alienate the "producers", they stop producing.
Anyway, read the following. Keep in mind that there were "DONATE" buttons all over the original email. I find that funny.
Dear Readers,
As the seemingly limitlessness of corporate greed continues to strangle every last breath of the people of our nation we have witnessed how the fear and frustration of the 99% can be channeled by our oppressors into perverted entities like the Tea Party movement.
With ruthless efficacy, the machine of the ruling class has conceived, funded, and promoted a false grass roots movement in which righteous anger is misdirected towards government and the people themselves. So convenient a device is the Tea Party for those like the Koch brothers who benefit as we turn against one another rather than recognize the shackles of our bondage or those who enslave us.
Yet a real movement of the people has developed, one that, like the original Boston Tea Party, targets corporate greed and seeks to strengthen rather than weaken our democracy. In this movement people are joined together rather than pit against one another and pursue justice rather than hatred.
Of course, the plutocracy rather than celebrating the exploits of this movement, arrest and imprison its participants. Rather than prime time news coverage this movement receives media blackout. Rather than corporate funding, the people have turned to each other as restaurants donate food and supporters around the world wire donations to fuel generators, and purchase rain coats and clean t-shirts.
Despite all obstacles, this movement is one fundamentally different from today’s Tea Party, and one behind which all people of this nation can rally.
With your tax-deductible donation to our 501(c)3 organization we will continue to broadcast the voice of the people’s movement, assist in building momentum across the country, and shed light on the corruption that has so crippled our middle class and poor.
Thank you for all that you do.
Respectfully Yours,
Rebecca Buell, Executive Director,
Donna Luca, Board President, and the NationofChange Team
Rebecca Buell, Executive Director,

Donna Luca, Board President, and the NationofChange Team
Pretty good, eh? She should be careful when talking about "revolution". The .gov will put her on a list :)
Stay safe
1 comment:
I saw that earlier, but don't remember where.
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