"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." ~~Thomas Jefferson

"Who will protect us from those who protect us?"

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson

"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." ~~Goethe

12 November 2011

Always a day late...

Yes, yesterday was Veterans Day.  I was on the road all day and missed the "activities".

I was watching telvision one day last week and saw a commercial for Macy's Department Store advertising their Veterans Day Sale.  It had several young people dancing to a catchy tune and carrying Macy's shopping bags.  The only thing about the commercial that had anything to do with Veterans or Veterans Day was the fact that Macy's is using the day to sell their product and make more money.  Absolutely nothing to do with Veterans.  Fuck you, Macy's.  Fuck you to all of the companies out there that use the day and the name to sell product rather than to reflect upon the price that has been paid by others so that you might abuse the day for your gain.  Clueless, classless fuckers.

And when I got home late last night and checked my email for the first time in a week, I had this from my younger brother, Brian:

"Happy Veterans Day. Thank you for your service. The free world is a much
better place because of you. God Bless."

Brian is an Army Vet, too.  A Cobra pilot.  Crazy bastard.  The boy ain't right :)

My father and all of his brothers were in the Military.  My grandfathers were in the Military.  Members of my family fought on both sides during the War Between the States.  2 of my three brothers were in the Army. 

So, a day late, I want to share Brian's sentiments with all of you, my brother and sister Veterans ...

"Happy Veterans Day. Thank you for your service. The free world is a much
better place because of you. God Bless."

As usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short.  I hope you don't mind.

Stay safe.


Old Bob said...

Happy Veterans Day. Thank you for your service. The free world is a much better place because of you. God Bless.
That's what I say!

And three cheers for your post!!

Adrienne said...

Thank you for your service, Blue...

Six said...

Thanks Blue and thanks for your service and that of your honorable family. May we always have such.