The Emperor in Chief cannot allow mere serfs to stand against his Gestapo Storm Troopers. The thugs will be back in the dead of night to assassinate the Bundy household and the family will be carried away in body bags. Just a warning to the rest of us what will happen if we defy government.
Ranger Smith (BLM Rangers) as armed, decked out gear-queers. Yogi would be appalled, if not beaten, zip-tied and "tapped out" for resisting arrest (or stealing pic-a-nic baskets). It's bad enough when the DNR of the Michigan UP are in flak vest, have Glocks and H&K 52 MP when they check your fishing lisence. Man, who do you fear most - the BLM on the trigger finger or the BATF Drug Store Cowboy? When they kill Bundy, like Weaver's wife and child at Ruby Ridge, I hope America will finally Awake and the Sheeple will grow a backbone and rear up and fight against this tyranny!
hee hee hee, that's a great picture selection. :)
Yeah, this isn't over, the goons can't give up that easily, because of their "pride" in the uniform, and because they'll follow orders.
Exactly. They'll always follow orders. :)
I forgot to ask, which casino will putin take over? the monte carlo is my guess. ;)
F******* Awesome Blue Loved it!! No it isn't over!
The Emperor in Chief cannot allow mere serfs to stand against his Gestapo Storm Troopers. The thugs will be back in the dead of night to assassinate the Bundy household and the family will be carried away in body bags. Just a warning to the rest of us what will happen if we defy government.
Ranger Smith (BLM Rangers) as armed, decked out gear-queers. Yogi would be appalled, if not beaten, zip-tied and "tapped out" for resisting arrest (or stealing pic-a-nic baskets). It's bad enough when the DNR of the Michigan UP are in flak vest, have Glocks and H&K 52 MP when they check your fishing lisence. Man, who do you fear most - the BLM on the trigger finger or the BATF Drug Store Cowboy? When they kill Bundy, like Weaver's wife and child at Ruby Ridge, I hope America will finally Awake and the Sheeple will grow a backbone and rear up and fight against this tyranny!
Great pic!
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