Sadly, Americans have been dumbed down to the point that they no longer believe this to be true. In fact, the founding principles of The People having the power to determine what their government does is as foreign a concept to many as little green men from Mars...
They no longer have any understanding of their rights, and no real desire to exercise them.
Fat, dumb and happy.
And the purpose of elected officials is to serve the people, not to develop and career and become wealthy.
The concept of a career politician would have been unimaginable to the founders, I believe.
Blue, exactly. The words "professional politican" weren't supposed to go together. Being a rep wasn't supposed to turn a guy/gal into a millionaire. In Rome, politicians came reluctantly - like jury duty - because it was supposed to be term or two and then back to your business or professional where you really made a living. I mean, some reps have the job for life! Well, I guess it keeps the lobbyists off the street.
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