I was just censored at another site by my internet provider Cable One. I reckon they didn't like my thought on how the election of Donald Trump could cause a Massive Liberal Extinction Level Event. So I am trying to express my shock and utter horror here. I hope that it goes through.
Hmmm, Maybe it was the other site that was censoring me. Might have been my comments on how Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee (D) TX. might feel when she rtns from Winter Holiday Recess and finds her drapes have been taken and used to make a new froc for the First Lady aka MOOCH. Pls check out the dress at Patriot Retort. Have Fun yawl. Fair warning though, it is F-UGLY! The dress, the dress, good grief.
how about deporting the whole mess to Venus
I think that is an excellent idea. At least put them on a spacecraft and send them in that direction... ;)
I was just censored at another site by my internet provider Cable One. I reckon they didn't like my thought on how the election of Donald Trump could cause a Massive Liberal Extinction Level Event. So I am trying to express my shock and utter horror here. I hope that it goes through.
Hmmm, Maybe it was the other site that was censoring me. Might have been my comments on how Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee (D) TX. might feel when she rtns from Winter Holiday Recess and finds her drapes have been taken and used to make a new froc for the First Lady aka MOOCH. Pls check out the dress at Patriot Retort. Have Fun yawl. Fair warning though, it is F-UGLY! The dress, the dress, good grief.
Wow. Yes, that is some "different" material in those drapes, er, that dress... ;)
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